This information is printed on the back of all pupils timetables.

You MUST check the information overleaf using the following Action list.
Contact the Exams Office without delay to request any amendments.

Action 1. Check that your name and personal details are correct including the Legal Name which will be printed on Exam Certificates.
Action 2. Check that the subject and exams that you have been entered for are correct.
Action 3. Check you are entered for ALL subjects you are studying.
Action 4. Check that you have been entered for the correct tier (Foundation or Higher) if applicable.
If you have any questions regarding your tier of entry you MUST discuss with your subject teacher.

1. Keep this timetable safe and make a note of the dates & times of each examination listed on the timetable. Double check if they are morning or afternoon exams as they CANNOT be sat at an alternative time.
For written exams you must report to the designated examination room 15 minutes before the start time.
2. Know your designated seat before entering the examination room: these details will be displayed in advance on the Exams Notice Boards each morning.
3. Read the attached 'Information for Candidates'; and follow all the rules with regard to the conduct of examinations, controlled assessment & coursework.
4. If you fail to arrive on time your script may not be accepted: advise the school immediately if you think you may arrive late (tel: 01302 537396).
5. If you fail to attend a school funded examination without a valid reason you will be invoiced for the entry fees.
6. If you feel unwell on the day of the exam or have other reasons that adversely affect your performance you must tell the Examinations Officer or a Senior Invigilator BEFORE leaving the examination room.
7. Make sure you have made alternative arrangements for transport if necessary. In some instances you may not finish your exam until after the end of the school day.
8. The examination rooms are out of bounds at any time when an invigilator is not present.
9. Candidates may not leave the room, except with special permission, until after the full time for an examination has been completed. A candidate leaving the room in an emergency will be accompanied by an invigilator.
10. If you have had any amendments made to your timetable, always make sure you are following the latest version.
11. Mobile Phones, SmartWatches, music & internet/email devices MUST NOT be brought into the examination room. They must be left in the designated area outside the exam room.
12. Ordinary watches are allowed in the exam room but new JCQ ruling states that they must be taken off and left on the desk. They must not be kept on your wrist or in your pocket.
13. Make sure you bring only bring the materials needed for the exam with you including a BLACK pen to every exam.
14. You may bring a bottle of water into the exam room but ensure labels are removed beforehand.

Exam Clashes: (where 2 or more exams are scheduled at the same time):
Exams that total 3hrs or less will be sat back to back.
Exams that total MORE than 3hrs will receive specific instructions; this usually involves lunchtime isolation and supervision, and in some instances a late afternoon finish. You should bring a packed lunch with you on these occasions and revision material for the later exam. You will not be allowed access to your phone or be allowed to leave the supervision room unaccompanied during this break.

Examination boards are becoming increasingly strict regarding malpractice within the exam room. Any candidate responsible of malpractice will be subject to having the exam module or in some cases the whole subject disqualified. The most common form of malpractice is mobile phones, smart-watches or other electronic devices being found on candidates, even if there is no intention to use them.

I cannot stress enough how important it is NOT to bring these items with you into the exam rooms.

Please take care of your exam timetable; however a new one will be available at the cost of £1.00 per timetable.

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